Automation Benefit Calculator

Benefits of Automation Testing Time In
Time In
I Year in Hours II Year in Hours
Testing Time Req. To Complete One Test Case Manually In Minutes = Mt1    
Total number of identified Test cases for Product under consideration = Mtt      
Manual Execution Time for testcases under consideration for each cycle M = Mt1 * Mtt      
Time taken to automate one test case (In Minutes)* At1 = Mt1 * 10      
Initial time to Automate total test cases a In hours = Time Taken to automate one testcae At1 X Total Number of Test Cases for Product Under Consideration - Mtt/60  
Script Maintenance for 2nd year b -> 20 % of Initial time to Automate total test cases Att     20% of a
Automated Execution time for test cases y = M/10
c = x*y
Number of Cycle needed to test in year (All Hotfixes/Internal Build/Service Packs/Major Release/ different environment / different browsers..)
Total Time to Execute Test Cases Manually
MT = Total number of cycle in year X * time taken Manually to execute cycle (.8M) (Considering 80% Human Eff.)
Total Time to Execute Test Cases Using Automation Script
AT = Total number of cycle x * time taken to execute using automationy
Total number of hours saved in First Year with respect to manual test hours, considering automation initiative S1 = Time taken to execute Manually for all testcases for all test cycles MT - Automation Script creation time a - Automation Script running time y
SAVING S1 = MT - a - y
Total number of hours saved in Second Year with respect to manual test hours considering automation initiative S2 = Time taken to execute Manually for all testcases for all test cycles MT - Automation Script Maintenance time b - Automation Script running time y
SAVING S2 = MT - b - y
Other savings
  • No Cost for Testing tool
  • Reasonable Hardware free
  • No Training Charges for Automation Skills Development
  • Script developed by us is Property of Client which increse IP of Client
  • Running Scripts Overnight so use Resources to develop script during working hours
  • (Script run overnight, effective hours = 16 hours) need to add one additional resource cost saving
  • Time Zone difference benefit
* Assumption is based on KostCare past Experience, It may vary from project to project.